Hybrid Tea Roses are the Most Popular Variety
The classic red rose—expressing passion, love, and desire—is among hundreds of species and thousands of hybrids of roses. Whether as gifts, additions to one’s garden, or a source of vitamin C (from rose hips), roses can be just what one needs to feel love, inspiration, and passion.
President Ronald Reagan declared the rose as the National Floral Emblem of the United States of America on November 20, 1986. The rose represents the US as a whole, while each state, province, and territory has its own flower.
Although roses are associated with love and romance, other feelings can be conveyed through their various colors. For example, white roses are associated with purity and new beginnings (such as for weddings), yellow roses convey a platonic friendship, and peach roses convey gratitude and sympathy (such as to someone in mourning).
Many species of roses, particularly the rugosa rose, produce edible rose hips (seed-filled bulbs) that are high in antioxidants such as vitamin C, with tablet and powdered forms available.
It is said that about 80% of all roses that people see today (such as those sold in florist shops) are of the “modern” variety, including one of the most popular varieties, the hybrid tea rose.
Hybrid tea roses come in various colors, such as red, orange, pink, yellow, and white. Examples include Mister Lincoln (crimson), Royal Highness (light pink), and Pope John Paul II (white).
When planting roses, stakes should be placed at least 18 inches to 2 feet deep in the soil to anchor the plants. Roses should also be soaked once a week instead of lightly watering more often.